home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- ** Get files/directories specified by a pattern.
- ** Recurse into directories if "all" is part of the pattern.
- **
- ** Author: David J Benn
- ** Date: 25th August 1996
- */
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <dos/dosasl.h>
- #include <funcs/dos_funcs.h>
- DefLng a-z
- Const BUFSZ = 1024
- Sub Usage
- Print "usage: ";Arg$(0);" file-pattern"
- End Sub
- Sub Abort
- /*
- ** Quits but does no cleanup!
- */
- Print Arg$(0);": ***break!"
- Stop
- End Sub
- Sub VisitFiles(pat$, allFiles)
- /*
- ** Visit each file specified by the pattern.
- ** If the pattern contains "all", this function
- ** is called recursively. Each recursive call
- ** requires a new AnchorPath structure variable
- ** so that previous pattern match states aren't
- ** affected.
- */
- Declare Struct AnchorPath *anchor
- Declare Struct FileInfoBlock *fileInfo
- anchor = Alloc(Sizeof(AnchorPath)+BUFSZ)
- If anchor = NULL Then
- Print Arg$(0);": Memory allocation error!"
- Else
- anchor->ap_StrLen = BUFSZ
- result = MatchFirst(pat$, anchor)
- While result <> ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES
- Print anchor->ap_Buf;
- FileInfo = @anchor->ap_Info
- If fileInfo->fib_DirEntryType > 0 Then
- Print " [DIR]"
- If allFiles Then Call VisitFiles(anchor->ap_Buf+"/#?", allFiles)
- Else
- Print
- End If
- result = MatchNext(anchor)
- Wend
- MatchEnd(anchor)
- End If
- End Sub
- /*
- ** Main.
- */
- If Argcount >= 1 Then
- On Break Call Abort : Break On
- /*
- ** Construct the pattern from potentially multiple arguments.
- */
- pat$ = ""
- For i=1 To Argcount
- pat$ = pat$ + Arg$(i)
- If i <> Argcount Then pat$ = pat$ + " "
- Next
- If Ucase$(Right$(pat$,4)) = " ALL" Then
- allFiles = TRUE
- pat$ = Left$(pat$,Len(pat$)-4)
- Else
- allFiles = FALSE
- End If
- VisitFiles(pat$, allFiles)
- Else
- Usage
- End If